
Batman captain america crossover
Batman captain america crossover

batman captain america crossover

Here is a review of it, courtesy of Linkara. There was also a crossover of Archie and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.Still, the fact that everyone involved managed to pull it off at all, much less make a pretty good story, is downright amazing. And he not only engages in less violence here than in his usual missions of the time, but he even lets his target live. In fairness, the early 1990s Frank Castle was essentially a well-equipped assassin, not an amoral wholesale slaughtering machine leaving dozens of bloody corpses everywhere.Sabrina, however, did cross over with Sonic the Hedgehog, in a two part-special that expanded both series.The Archies performing alongside Josie and the Pussycats? Sure! The only real thing that defines the universes (excluding Sonic the Hedgehog and other licensed series) is different towns in America. I haven't seen a Law Machine before or since. Phil Foglio's graphic novel adaptation of Robert Asprin's Another Fine Myth features a Law Machine from his own Buck Godot: Zap Gun For Hire universe:Īahz: That was our introduction to.The Deathmate crossover had Valiant Comics VH1 era characters crossing over with characters from the Image Comics imprints Extreme Studios and WildStorm.Batman villain "The Bookworm" decides to try and get his hands on the book, and pits Bigby against Batman two keep the two off his back. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham: This comic has Bigby Wolf from Fables come to Gotham City to locate a magical book that's found its way there. Angela was going to be a Spawn character who crossed over to the Marvel Universe in Age of Ultron, but Original Sin reveals she is Thor's long lost sister, retconning her to be part of the Marvel Universe from the beginning, seemingly ignoring any history tied to the world of Spawn.Captain Dancer from "The Red Seas" describes the time his crew encountered the giant ants from "Ant Wars".A dimensional storm brings Blackhawk to Brit-Cit, where he meets Judge Storm from "Storm Warning".Shako awakens in the setting of "Kingdom", where he fights Them alongside Gene the Hackman.Dredd is assigned to Interdimensional Immigration, where he has to deal with Zombo.The 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2020, celebrating 20 years since the comic was bought by Rebellion, had several stories in which a Rebellion-era character met a classic character (note that Long Runner Judge Dredd is in the latter category):.Mark Evanier (to Sergio Aragonés), Groo the Wanderer versus Conan the Barbarian #1 (July 2014)

Batman captain america crossover